For this year’s Forefathers collaboration, we’ve joined forces with a fellow who’s influence in the Australian beer scene could only be accurately measured with some kind of 1970s and 80s magazine word-count calculator. But since we don’t have that, you’ll have to follow along to learn how Willie Simpson has opened the minds of countless Australian’s to the wonders […]
For the Forefathers brew, Willie and the lads have concocted a German-style Doppelbock Lager.
So what is a Doppelbock Lager?
The Doppelbock is a true heart-warmer, who’s literal meaning is “double beer”. It’s one of Germany’s biggest beers, and as the name might suggest, is a typically strong lager that contains so much malty goodness, it’s often been referred to as ‘a meal in a glass’.
The Doppelbock style emerged from a variant of the Paulaner monks lager in the 1600s. Their new ‘liquid bread’ (which was brewed for their Lenten season) acted as a meal replacement for their periodic bouts of fasting.
The longest of these periods was the 46 day stint of Lent. The monks believed that liquids not only cleansed the body, but also the soul, so they drank, and in copious quantities.
“The more you drink, the holier!” they preached.
And what the monks preached, the common-folk acted upon.. And we’ll leave you with that!
For our take on the Doppelbock, Willie’s brewed a big black lager with a rich malt flavour that has hints of chocolate and dark fruit. We then lagered it for six weeks to make sure the finish is super smooth.
There will be a limited number of Doppelbock cartons available online from the 22nd of August.
You can read the full Doppelbock history at the German Beer Institute.