
Our Guide to Australia’s Beer Sizes and Names

Need answers now? Click here to be taken to our beer size cheat sheet down the page.

If you've travelled Australia, you might have experienced the perplexity of different beer sizes, shapes, and names across state lines.

Just like the never-ending ‘parma or parmy’ debate, the naming conventions of our beers can confuse even the most seasoned beer drinker when visiting interstate.

Let’s dive into how each state in Australia names their beer sizes.

New South Wales’ beer sizes

We’ll start with our birthplace, the great state of New South Wales. We’re a little biased, but these sizes make the most sense to us.

The most standard size to order is the humble schooner, clocking in at 425mL. This is largely the same across all of Australia (looking at you, South Australia) and is a popular choice across the country. Not too big, not too small, just right.

Slightly larger in size is the pint, which holds 570mL. For quenching a more serious thirst, a pint is another very popular choice.

Larger still is the jug, with the standard size of 1,140mL in New South Wales. The jug is perfect for pouring yourself and a friend a pint each, or just under three schooners. The jug’s size is standard across the country.

Our middy is the smallest standard size that you can expect to order, making it ideal for those who have just come down for one. This comes in at 285mL.

We’ve also got our uniquely named schmiddy, a 350mL glass that sits in between the schooner and middy. Buy a pair of schmiddy glasses from our online store today.

Man pours a middy into a Stone & Wood glass

Pictured: A middy of Green Coast lager is poured at our Byron brewery.

Queensland’s beer sizes

Queensland’s different beer sizes are named largely the same as in New South Wales.

Queensland shares the same schooner size as NSW, coming in at 425mL and a pint is also 570mL, the same as most other states, and their jug is 1,140mL. 

Where Queensland might differ from your home is with their smaller size, with the 285mL largely referred to as a pot instead of a middy.

Victoria’s beer sizes

Exploring further south, Victoria is again fairly similar to Queensland and New South Wales.

A schooner is the same at 425mL, and a pint is also 570mL. Asking for a pot of beer will get you a 285mL sized serving. Jugs remain the same, coming in at 1,140mL.

Asking for a glass of beer in some places in Melbourne will get you a 200mL size, even smaller than the more standard pot.

Hot tip: Victorians will tell you that if you don’t specify a size, it’s likely you’ll be poured a pot. Most other states default to a 425mL schooner.

South Australia’s beer sizes

Here’s where things get a little confusing. South Australia is by far the most unique of all states, with names that are widely accepted elsewhere in the country as one size referring to a smaller size in this region.

In Adelaide and surrounds, the standard and most common size is the pint, coming in at 425mL. This is not to be confused with the imperial pint, which comes in at the size of 570mL. Their most widely accepted small size is called a schooner and comes in at 285mL.

While these all differ from other states, the ever-reliable jug remains the same at 1,140mL.

The Northern Territory’s beer sizes

The Northern Territory’s more tropical weather makes larger sizes slightly less popular to the average drinker, as they go warm quick if not enjoyed fast enough.

Ask for a handle of beer if you’re after a 285mL, smaller beer to enjoy (although middy or pot are generally accepted too). These may come with a handle, so you don’t warm the beer too quickly holding it in your hand.

Schooners are the same as most other regions of Australia, coming in at 425mL. Pints and jugs are also the same at 570mL and 1,140mL.

Tasmania’s beer sizes

The Tassie pint remains unchanged to most other states, coming in at 570mL.

Tasmania’s name for their 285mL beer size is either pot or ten depending on who you speak to, with the name ten coming from the fact that 285mL is ten ounces of liquid. In keeping with this theme, a 425mL beer is referred to as either a schooner or a fifteen.

Western Australia’s beer sizes

Just like New South Wales, a middy is the most common name for a 285mL beer in Perth and surrounds. You might also hear this being referred to as a half-pint.

After this, the schooner (425mL), the pint (570mL) and the jug (1,140mL) remain the same as the rest of the country.

Australian Capital Territory’s beer sizes

Similarly to Western Australia, the capital also refers to 285mL beers as a middy or a half-pint. Double this in size for a standard pint at 570mL, with the schooner coming in at the mostly standard 425mL.

Our Australian beer size cheat sheet

To recap, there’s a lot of variation. It’s not an exact science, with differences by region and even each venue.

By and large, jugs, pints and schooners are a pretty universally understood size (except in SA), with most of the smaller options often having a name unique to the region.


200mL - - glass - - - - -
285mL middy pot pot schooner handle (or middy/pot) pot (or ten) middy middy (or half-pint)
350mL schmiddy - - - - - - -
425mL schooner schooner schooner pint schooner schooner (or fifteen) schooner schooner
570mL pint pint pint imperial  pint pint pint pint pint
1,140mL jug jug jug jug jug jug jug jug


As Aussies, we’re a diverse bunch. Our unique ways of enjoying beer are a perfect metaphor for our unique geography and people, and at Stone & Wood we think that’s more than worth celebrating.

So, whatever size glass you choose to drink from, raise it with us in celebrating the different ways in which Aussies enjoy their beer.

Find our range of beer available for purchase online, including the Stone & Wood core range and our limited releases. We also have a range of merchandise (including beer glasses)!

Reading times: 5 mins

Our Guide to Australia’s Beer Sizes and Names

We've broken down the different names and sizes of beers you can expect to find across the country. Read on for more.

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Stouts & Porters: What’s The Difference?

The Origins of Stouts & Porters

Stouts have a storied history that stretches all the way back to 18th century England. Originally, the term stout was used to describe strong, hearty porters – but over the years, stouts evolved into their own distinct category. They're both characterised by their robust flavours, slightly higher alcohol content, and the use of roasted barley, which adds that signature dark colour and that complex, roasty and toasty aroma.

It’s this warm and comforting flavour profile that makes these dark brews such a perfect fit for the winter months, making them a popular choice as the mercury drops.

The Australian craft industry has embraced these dark and full-bodied beers. Today, you’ll find stouts of all kinds crafted with a uniquely Aussie twist, incorporating local ingredients and flavours that make them truly our own.

Stout vs. Porter: What’s The Difference?

Alright, craft beer lovers, let’s dive into the age-old debate: what sets a stout apart from a porter? These two dark and delicious brews often get confused, and for good reason. They share a common history and a similar flavour profile, but there are key differences that beer enthusiasts should know.

The Origins of Their Names

The name "porter" itself comes from the hardworking porters who favoured this hearty brew. Stouts, originally known as "stout porters," were simply stronger versions of porters. Over time, stouts have evolved into their own distinct style.

The Different Brewing Processes

The key difference between a stout and a porter lies in the ingredients and brewing techniques. Stouts typically use roasted barley, which gives them that signature dark colour and robust, coffee-like flavour. Porters, on the other hand, often use malted barley, resulting in a smoother, more chocolatey taste.

Flavour Profiles of Stouts and Porters


So, what makes a stout a stout? At its core, a stout is defined by its use of roasted malt or barley, which gives it that deep, dark colour and rich, robust flavour profile. When you pour a stout, you’re greeted with a thick, creamy head, and as you take that first sip, expect to encounter notes of coffee, chocolate, and sometimes even a hint of burnt toast – a unique delight that’s both comforting and complex.

But it’s not just the taste that sets stouts apart. The mouthfeel of a stout is often velvety and smooth, sometimes with a slight sweetness or a bitter finish, depending on the specific style. From dry stouts like the always recognisable Guinness, to the sweeter and more decadent milk stouts, there’s a stout for everyone.

Common food pairings with stouts include chocolate desserts, grilled meats and sharp cheeses, all of which complement the complex flavours well.


The flavour profile of porters is typically smoother and more approachable flavour to the boldness of stouts. When you pour a porter, you’ll notice its deep brown to black colour and a more subtle head.

The first sip of a porter often reveals a balance of chocolate, caramel, and toffee notes, with a roasted finish that’s less intense than a stout. Porters tend to have a medium body, offering a rich yet smoother mouthfeel that’s easier on the palate. They can range from the robust Baltic porters to the lighter, more easy-going brown porters, providing a spectrum of flavours for different tastes.

Food pairings that pair well with porters include barbecued meats, roast vegetables and even nutty desserts such as pecan pie.

Stone Beer 2024

Our own unique take on a wood-fired porter, our annual Stone Beer for 2024 is now available online and in select pubs and bottle shops.

Incorporating notes of roasted coffee, dark chocolate and smoky Macadamia, our 6% ABV Stone Beer is best paired with delicious BBQ meats, ribs and hearty stews around a campfire with good company. Rug up and enjoy today!

Reading times: 3 mins

Stouts & Porters: What’s The Difference?

Alright, craft beer lovers, let’s dive into the age-old debate: what sets a stout apart from a porter?

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Stone & Wood 2023 Beer As A Force For Good Report

Reflecting on our work over the past year

Today is World Environmental Day, more than a day to do ‘good’, we think of today as a moment to pause and reflect on our work over the past year. As a company founded on the idea of using beer as a force for good, we’re always always looking at ways to reduce our impact, and be of better service to the environment that supports us.

Across the board we are committed to reducing our environmental footprint and improving our practices. In order to keep track of our journey, hold ourselves accountable, and share our learnings with the community – each year we release our Beer As A Force For Good report. This report is open to the public so you can gain a better understanding of where we are as company, and where our focus is for the future. We believe learnings are best when shared and we love having a beer and a yarn about how we can better use beer as a force for good.

Some highlights over the past year include:

  • We released NRB, Northern Rivers Beer, to the public, which is our first beer made from Certified Sustainable Ingredients. NRB is currently only available in the Northern Rivers region but is an exciting testament to our ambition for the future of sustainable brewing.
  • In 2023 we diverted 90.8 percent of waste (excluding spent grain) from landfill. This is a 5.5% improvement from 2022.
  • At Murwillumbah brewery, thanks to re-using treated wastewater with a UFRO system (Ultra-Filtration Reverse Osmosis system) and capturing water from our bottle rinse and pipe it through our refrigeration system and re-using cleaning chemicals recovered through a CIP system, we are stoked to be 20 percent lower than industry averages for our water usage for the year. 
  • We are 32% lower than industry averages for our purchased electricity consumption this year. This is something we are super proud of for the period. At our Murbah site we run a 100kW solar system on our brewery roof and the Byron Brewery roof we run a 80kw solar system.

  • This contributed to a carbon emission reduction in 2023 equivalent to an approximate planting of 2,630 trees.
  • We are also pleased to announce that in 2023 our Murwillumbah brewery became certified under ISO14001, reflecting a robust and comprehensive environmental management system embedded across our main production site.

Read the full 2023 Beer As A Force For Good Report here.


‘Ngalingaa Jagun Gunuul, Arakwal Jagun’ By Nickolla Clark “The artwork brings forward Bundjalung stories, Arakwal Country is well known as a meeting place for all of Bundjalung. Many tribes, would walk, rest and gather here. They walked on songlines, singing in language following the escarpments of Koonyum Range to the shorelines of Tallows and to far north Queensland for the Bunya Nut festival. They walked the Brunswick River on low tide, they twisted their feet in the sand to collect yugari (pippis). Together they shared culture and danced on this sacred ground. This painting highlights the landscape of Byron Bay, where the rainforest meets the sea and lifestyle and culture is hidden within. Arakwal Country is an abundant and versatile place, a marker telling you where you are”.

We acknowledge the First Nations people, the custodians of this beautiful Country. We pay respects to Elders past, present and emerging. We recognise that Indigenous peoples have protected the land, sea, and waterways for tens
of thousands of years. We show our gratitude for these strong foundations from the past and embrace guidance for the future.

‘Ngalingaa Jagun Gunuul, Arakwal Jagun’ By Nickolla Clark, a new artwork on display at Stone & Wood Byron Bay

“The artwork brings forward Bundjalung stories, Arakwal Country is well known as a meeting place for all of Bundjalung. Many tribes, would walk, rest and gather here. They walked on songlines, singing in language following the escarpments of Koonyum Range to the shorelines of Tallows and to far north Queensland for the Bunya Nut festival. They walked the Brunswick River on low tide, they twisted their feet in the sand to collect yugari (pippis). Together they shared culture and danced on this sacred ground. This painting highlights the landscape of Byron Bay, where the rainforest meets the sea and lifestyle and culture is hidden within. Arakwal Country is an abundant and versatile place, a marker telling you where you are”.

Reading times: 2 mins

Stone & Wood 2023 Beer As A Force For Good Report

Reflecting on our work over the past year Today is World Environmental Day, more than a day to do ‘good’, we think of today as a moment to pause and...

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Festival of The Stone 2024 Set Times



Listen to our 2024 Festival of The Stone Playlist here.

Saturday 1 June, Byron Bay

Final Tickets ON SALE NOW

Music lovers of Byron and beyond, in just a few days’ time, a brilliant bunch of artists will arrive in the Bay, ready to roll out set after killer set at Festival of the Stone 2024. Yep, this Saturday 1 June, Stone & Wood’s Byron Bay Brewery is the place you’ll want to be, ready to welcome Winter with music, community and the best brews.

Set times are a go!


Why do we celebrate Festival of The Stone every year?

Festival of the Stone 2024 will raise money for Byron Shire homeless hub, Fletcher Street Cottage. Byron Shire’s homelessness rate is currently the highest in NSW and Fletcher Street Cottage provides support, information, referral and advocacy to people at risk of homelessness and those already sleeping rough.

Festival of the Stone began as a celebration of Stone & Wood’s annual release of Stone Beer and the first tapping of the keg. The 2024 Stone Beer brew is a wood-fired porter ideal for chilly winter nights. A nod to medieval brewing, it’s a tradition held dear since Stone & Wood’s humble beginnings, seventeen years ago.

Every May since Stone & Wood began, alongside others in the brewing industry, Stone & Wood brews its woodfired porter Stone Beer in preparation for winter. This is called Stone Brew Day. A decadent porter with dark roasted malts is brewed to give coffee and dark chocolate flavours to the beer. Then, on an open fire, volcanic stones sourced from the nearby hinterland are heated, before being lowered, glowing-red into the kettle, which lends smoky caramel notes to the beer. The moment the woodfired stones touch the wort with a loud hisss is a moment for celebration. A month later, Stone Beer is tapped at the annual Festival of the Stone, where the community comes together to enjoy fresh beer, live music, good food and winter cheer.

What food will be at Festival of The Stone?

Those in need of sustenance at Festival of the Stone are in for a treat with some very tasty options available. From handmade and freshly baked Byron Bay Pretzels to artisan pizza from Gunter’s Flammkuchen and delicious wurst from The Kranski Sisters food truck, you won’t go hungry! Plus, masters of the grill, Traegar will be on ground doing BBQ demos and sampling.

Festival of The Stone is Family Friendly!

Bringing the ankle biters along? Festival of the Stone has that covered too with Malt Disney Art & Craft Zone. Malt Disney is a free style creative area where kids can let their maker imagination run wild with paints, collage, mask making, drawing, crown creating, play doh and more. Plus there’s garden games galore to keep them engaged and burning up that energy!

For the easiest access to Festival of the Stone, catch the Festival Shuttle Service. For up-to-date information about road closures, parking and bus services check out the FAQ section on the website.

Final tickets on sale now. You know what to do!


Saturday 1 June, 2024
Centennial Circuit, Byron Bay (Cavanbah)


Final tickets ON SALE NOW: $60 (18+) | $30 (12-17) | free under 12

Reading times: 2 mins

Festival of The Stone 2024 Set Times

FESTIVAL OF THE STONE 2024 DAN SULTAN – BEDDY RAYS – THE BEEFS – VERGE COLLECTIONAKA LUI – MID DRIFT Listen to our 2024 Festival of The Stone Playlist here....

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Festival of the Stone Returns for 2024 – Bigger & Better Than Ever!


Stone & Wood is thrilled to confirm the return of Festival of the Stone, a celebration of music, community and ancient brewing tradition, that will welcome Winter to Byron Bay on Saturday 1 June.

The 10th instalment of Festival of the Stone will see Byron locals and visitors gather to take in a major lineup of music, tantalising tastes and witness the annual unveiling of the 2024 batch of Stone Beer, while also raising much needed funds for local homeless hub, Fletcher Street Cottage. Wins all round!

Get ready to spend Saturday 1 June with…



Image credit: Imani Givertz

One of Australia’s most loved singer-songwriters Dan Sultan’s trophy shelf holds an incredible 7 ARIA Awards, alongside NIMA Awards, Top 5 ARIA-charting albums, and an ARIA-certified gold record. With countless sold-out headline shows in his wake, he’s also toured with the likes of Bruce Springsteen, Midnight Oil and Vance Joy, and played Australia’s biggest festivals including Splendour in the Grass, Blues Festival and Falls to name a few. He’ll add Festival of the Stone to that list on 1 June!

It’s almost impossible not to recognise a Beddy Rays track, a carefully curated recipe involving all the right ingredients: heartfelt lyrics, huge hooks, mosh-worthy riffs and a lingering sense of comradery and good vibes that underpins everything they create. It’s seen them land plays on triple j’s Hottest 100 and Hottest 100 Like a Versions of all time, an ARIA nomination for ‘Breakthrough Artist’ and spots on festivals around the country. With a knack for knowing how to have a bloody good time, everyone wants to be friends with Beddy Rays.

Ultimate purveyors "pub-pop" goodness, The Beefs founded their musical haven in 2018 when frontman Sammy Smith decided to round up some talented mates and cook up a musical feast for the ages. In the kitchen of their tunes, you'll find a dash of infectious pop melodies and a sprinkle of rock 'n' roll charm. Marinated together with catchy hooks and relatable lyrics, and voilà - you've got the signature sound of The Beefs. It's the kind of music that'll make you want to hoist a pint in one hand and dance with a mate in the other.

Hailing from Perth, VERGE COLLECTION balance classic pop sensibilities with working class poetry to channel the collective conscious of suburban Australian milennials. Songwriter and front-man Ben Arnold’s songs have the ability to hoist you high to the point of chills and a stupid grin, before making you plummet just as quickly into an existential nosedive.

AKA Lui seamlessly fuses disco and psychedelia to create a sound that is uniquely his own. His debut single catapulted him into the spotlight, earning critical acclaim and over 2 million streams on Spotify alone. Recent tracks like "Kick It", "Lighthouse", and "Fool" have continued to captivate audiences both in Australia and abroad and with the upcoming release of his debut EP Sapphire Blue on June 21st, AKA Lui is set to confirm his status as a rising star in Australian music.

Bursting with sun-soaked melodies and an electric live set it’s no surprise that Brisbane (Meanjin) indie-pop 5-piece Mid Drift have quickly become a crowd favourite in their hometown and are gaining a loyal fan base interstate. Get a sneak preview of their debut EP Lemon, Lime and Tanlines when they open the stage at Festival of the Stone.

Are DJs more your scene? Don't worry...Club Raiders has you covered!

Cashew’s infectious sounds are ready to take you on a joyous journey through house, tech house, deep house, RnB, hip-hop, funk and disco. Uplifting and exciting, each set from this party-starting pro masterfully weaves a mix of old school and new school. Cashew’s ability to read the room has dancefloors up and down the east coast pumping, delivering satisfaction every time.

Versatile, distinctive and relentlessly fun, a night with Cashew is one you won’t want to miss.

Bringing the heat, we've got Yazmin on the lineup. With a career spanning back to 2013, Yazmin has rocked dance floors across Australia, Indonesia, and the UK. Now, back on home soil, she’s here to share her love for dance music and club favourites!

Her journey has taken her to some of London's hottest clubs and events, including Printworks with Amnesia Ibiza, Ministry of Sound, Egg Club, South West Four Festival and Electric Brixton, to name a few.

With additional sets from Bean Dip, Dan Muz, Reiflex, Mase vs. Kane, and Sammond, the vibes will be high amongst the brewing if you're ready to get sweaty, the DJs will be spinning just the tunes to get you grooving. 


Come celebrate the annual Release of Stone Beer

With meticulous care, we’ve created this limited-edition winter brew using the best ingredients we could find, including select Australian malts. Stone beer boasts aromatic notes of brewed coffee, rich dark chocolate, and hints of subtly smoked barley.

Grooving for a good cause

Festival of the Stone 2024 will raise money for Byron Shire homeless hub, Fletcher Street Cottage. Byron Shire’s homelessness rate is currently the highest in NSW and Fletcher Street Cottage provides support, information, referral and advocacy to people at risk of homelessness and those already sleeping rough.

“We believe it’s a really important time to support Australian music, events and our community. With Splendour and other festivals having a year off, we’re injecting a little more love into the music side of things this year. Live music in Australia ain’t going anywhere. And with Byron having one of the highest homeless populations in the nation, now is as important as ever to support those sleeping rough. We’re happy to support Fletcher St Cottage’s incredible work in this area for the 10th year in a row.” – James Aris, Stone & Wood Marketing Manager.

There’s nowhere better than Byron in winter! Get that group chat going and make plans to gather in the Bay for music and brews on 1 June. With first release tickets just $60 for 18+, get in early and secure the best deal.

Saturday 1 June, 2024
Centennial Circuit, Byron Bay (Cavanbah)

Did we mention it's kid friendly?

P.S. Don't forget this event is kid friendly. Enjoy some brews and live music, while your grommets froth out at Malt Disney, a special area for kids to hang out and play with entertainment throughout the day.


Tickets on Sale NOW: $60 (18+) | $30 (12-17) | free under 12

Reading times: 2 mins

Festival of the Stone Returns for 2024 – Bigger...

GET TICKETS Stone & Wood is thrilled to confirm the return of Festival of the Stone, a celebration of music, community and ancient brewing tradition, that will welcome Winter to...

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Counter Culture #25 Spicy Margarita Sour

You've Found The Kween. Or Did The Kween Find You?

It's not every day that you find the Kween.

Let alone the fourth iteration.

If the third time's the charm, the fourth takes it up a notch or 11.


This fourth iteration in the Kween series releases the shackles – dialling it up with the holy trinity of chile de árbol, lime zest and pineapple juice. Hops take a backseat as the Kween reminds everyone what happens when you hit pause on the rules of beer.

We invite you to join the dad dance with our Head Brewer Caolan and explore the inspiration behind the beer, the brewing technique to arrive at this version of the Kween, and immerse yourself in the full tasting notes - just click play below ...


Hops take a back seat for this one, with a very small amount of Galaxy hops added for bittering purposes only.

Australian Pale and Wheat malts were summoned for the return of the Kween.

This Spicy Margarita Sour works well with all of your favourite Mexican dishes, from pork and pineapple tacos, to kingfish ceviche tostadas and chicken taquitos – the Kween loves to pair with them all.



The Kween won't be around for long, so get your hands on this new limited release at Stone & Wood online, our Byron and Brisbane Tasting Rooms, and at select venues and bottle shops while you can!


Reading times: 5 mins

Spicy Kween | Spicy Margarita Sour 7% ABV

The fourth version of the Kween is back. Bow down as she shows you just why the rules of beer were made to be broken with the release of Counter...

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Can Beer Be Better For The Planet? RE_GENERATION Documentary

Can Beer Be Better For The Planet?


Follow one beer lover’s journey of discovery as he deliberates on how the cold one in your hand can affect climate change and how every drinker has the power to turn beer into a force for good.

From the brewing tanks of Stone & Wood to the lush hop and barley fields of regional Australia, filmmaker and change maker Jack Toohey tours the state in search of the answers on how we can make beer more sustainable.

With the support of our good friends and growers at Ryefield Hops and Voyager Craft Malt, we're very proud to announce the launch of our most sustainable beer yet, Northern Rivers Beer. We've used 100% Certified Sustainable Ryefield Hops and 70% Certified Sustainable Voyager Malt in this brew all of which is regeneratively farmed.

"I think it's vital for punters to know how beers made but not just how it's made, but where it comes from. It's an agricultural product and without agriculture here in Australia, we wouldn't have beer...Stone & Wood has decided to use Regen ingredients in our beers and that's for a higher purpose and that's really to bring it to the mainstream." Says our Head Brewer, Caolan Vaughan.

Learn more about our Northern Rivers Beer here.


Reading times: 2 mins

Can Beer Be Better For The Planet? RE_GENERATIO...

Can beer be better for the planet?

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The Story Behind our New Limited Release Hinterland Big Pale
Today, we're thrilled to unveil the second instalment of our All Australian Hop Series, Hinterland Big Pale, a celebration of our partnership with HPA and the quality ingredients they provide. Big Pale is our new limited release beer, offering an ode to Australian hop farmers and growers.
Our story with HPA began 15 years ago with the humble Galaxy hop, a unique Australian variety, with its distinct passion fruit, citrus, and peach aromas, not only put Australian hops on the global map but also ignited a new era of creativity in brewing and was the key ingredient that gave our flagship beer, Pacific Ale, it's distinctive flavour and aroma. It was a match made in heaven, as Galaxy's character perfectly complemented our brewing philosophy of creating flavourful, yet simply approachable beers.


Another exciting development in our partnership is the introduction of the Eclipse hop, a recent addition to HPA's lineup. This intriguing variety has captured our brewers imagination with its unique mandarin, pine needle, and citrus peel aromas. The perfect hop for the additions our brewers were chasing when developing our Big Pale Ale.

The brewers also added Vic Secret, another hop in the HPA arsenal of magic medleys. Vic Secret brings the big pineapple flavours and tropical notes to Big Pale, creating a symphony of tropical flavours and aromas in this well-balanced yet full- flavoured pale ale.

Visiting the farms in the picturesque Ovens Valley, where HPA cultivates these beautiful hops, is always a special experience. Meeting passionate growers like Alan, whose family has been part of this legacy for generations, reinforces our commitment to supporting Australian agriculture and showcasing the best of what our country has to offer.

As brewers, our excitement peaks during harvest season, but the real joy comes when we see these top-quality Aussie hops transform into delicious beers that excite our drinkers. It's a collaborative process that highlights the artistry of brewing and the importance of premium ingredients in crafting memorable brews.

The launch of Hinterland Big Pale is not just about a new beer; it's a celebration of a decade-long partnership with HPA, a tribute to Australian hops, and a toast to the shared passion for what we do.

Join us in raising a glass to craftsmanship, quality, and the vibrant flavours of Australian-grown hops. Cheers to a journey worth savouring, and here's to many more hops-inspired adventures ahead!

Hinterland Big Pale is a limited release that is available at Stone & Wood online and in our Brisbane and Byron Bay tasting rooms. As well as at Dan Murphy's nationwide and select BWS stores.  

Reading times: 6 mins

The Story Behind our New Limited Release Hinter...

Celebrating Aussie farmers and over a decade-Long Journey with Hops Products Australia (HPA)

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NRB | Northern Rivers Beer


From today (21.03.24) you’ll be able to grab a carton from the following bottle shops and next week we’ll be dropping the list on where to grab it on draught...


  • Ballina Cellar
  • Byron Cellar Lawson Street
  • The Park hotel
  • Sunrise cellars
  • Station hotel
  • Newrybar general store
  • The Lennox Hotel
  • Tintenbar Store
  • Casino Liquor Company
  • Ritchies Kyogle
  • The Cellar Alstonville
  • Bangalow Cellars
  • The Cellar Byron Plaza
  • The Railway Friendly Bar
  • The Bangalow Bowlo
  • North Byron Hotel
  • Great Northern Hotel
  • Beach Hotel Byron Bay
  • Crabbes Creek General Store
  • Panorama SuperCellars Tweed Heads
  • Murwillumbah Cellars
  • Billinudgel Hotel
  • Burringbar General Store
  • Middle Pub Mullumbimby
  • Taphouse Cellars Kingscliff
  • Courthouse Hotel Murwillumbah
  • Cabarita Beach Hotel
  • Wake Up Hostel Belongil
  • Ocean Shores Tavern

NRB - Keeping It Local.

Since 2008, we’ve always put community, connection and sustainability at the heart of Stone & Wood. And whilst our beer can now be found around the country, the Northern Rivers will always be our home.

Our new Northern Rivers Beer is dedicated to our home, this special corner of the world. It was dreamed up by our team and brought to life through their efforts. Drawing inspiration from the surrounding region and its people, we’re keeping this one local. NRB will be exclusively available in store, within the bounds of the Northern Rivers, stretching from Tweed River in the north to Yamba in the south. Of course, it’s not limited to this region alone; you can still find it in our online store.

Community has always been at the heart of our mission. We strive to forge meaningful connections by collaborating with kindred businesses and organizations in our area. NRB is another avenue through which we can achieve this. Since 2018, we’ve contributed $2.1 million to local grassroots, environmental and social charities, both near and far, all through the Ingrained Foundation. For every 100 litres of beer sold from our portfolio, Stone & Wood donates $1, and NRB will proudly continue this tradition.

About Northern Rivers Beer.

This is what we call a Northern Rivers Lager, taking inspiration from the region surrounding us and the people within it. NRB has light floral aromas, subtle malt flavour and low bitterness, but to put it bluntly, it’s a beer that is simply good to drink, with no fuss.

This beer is the perfect drop to wet the whistle. A bright, crisp beer that’s easy to drink and have a yarn over. And the best part of this local brew, other than its taste, is that it’s made from at least 70% malt that has been Certified Sustainable and 100% Ryfield Certified Sustainable hops; crops that take things easier on the soil and water that they’re produced from.

Who Is Certified Sustainable & What Is Certified Sustainable Malt?

Certified Sustainable (CS) is a nonprofit certification program, working with growers that are passionate about sustainable farming practices and the long-term health of their land and communities.

CS works across the supply chain from growers, to makers, and providers, independently verifying and validating positive practices regarding environment, social and governance outcomes.

Through yearly audits, CS growers are required to maintain standards with regard to six key areas. These include traceability, soil health, water conservation, emissions, monitoring, and social/community responsibility. CS growers demonstrate outcomes and practices that balance the material impacts of conventional farming with the wellbeing of people and the natural environment.

Positive practices that are found at a Certified Sustainable Farm include soil nutritional programs that build soil structure and organic carbon levels, cover cropping, minimal to no tillage, water conservation, and adherence to additional regulation and guidance for the use of agrochemical inputs.

That’s why, for us, it makes sense to work with Certified Sustainable when sourcing our malt for this beer. We hope you enjoy this beer as much as we enjoyed bringing it to life!

Reading times: 7 mins

NRB | Northern Rivers Beer

Introducing you to the Northern Rivers Beer, our take on a Northern Rivers Lager. Taking inspiration from the region surrounding us and the people within. It's our most sustainable yet......

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The Best Hinterland Hikes in Byron Bay

Explore the Hinterland: A Guide to Our Favourite Northern Rivers Hikes

We’re stoked to welcome Hinterland Hazy to the core range. From today you will start to find Hinterland Hazy in bottle shops and venues nationwide. Keep your eye out and if you haven’t tried it, get ready…she’s a keeper (for good reason)!

To celebrate Hinterland Hazy joining the Stone & Wood range permanently, we're sharing our team's favourite Hinterland hikes in The Northern Rivers.

Stone & Wood Hinterland Hazy, Best Walks Near Byron Bay NSW

Escape the ordinary and dive into the lush wonders of the Byron Bay Hinterland, a haven for nature enthusiasts and seekers of breathtaking landscapes. We've curated a guide to the best bush walks and hikes near Byron Bay, perfectly paired with the vibrant and juicy Stone & Wood Hinterland Hazy Pale Ale – a beer inspired by the essence of the Northern Rivers.

Mount Jerusalem National Park Stone & Wood Hinterland Hazy

Stone & Wood Hinterland Hazy, Best Walks Near Byron Bay1. Mount Jerusalem National Park:

Discover the enchanting Mount Jerusalem National Park, just a short 50-minute drive from Byron Bay. Immerse yourself in the splendor of the Tweed Valley, offering idyllic settings for bushwalking, horseback riding, and waterfall chasing.

Traverse the diverse landscapes of Mount Jerusalem National Park, where towering eucalypt forests intertwine with subtropical rainforests along the winding creek lines. Dip into refreshing creeks or cascade-fed pools post-hike, all while keeping an eye out for rare species like Albert’s lyrebird and the red-legged pademelon.

Accessible from Byron Bay, Mullumbimby, and Uki, this park beckons day-trippers, bird enthusiasts, equestrians, and nature lovers alike to explore its captivating wonders. Take your pick between the Rayners and Unicorn Falls walking tracks, both of which take between 1 and 2 hours to complete.

Learn more & get directions from NSW National Parks and Wildlife Service

Stone & Wood Hinterland Hazy, Best Walks Near Byron Bay

Byron Bay Hinterland Walks Things To Do Near Byron Bay2. The Pinnacle Walk:

Take a leisurely 0.6 km return stroll through the seldom-visited Border Ranges National Park to reach the Pinnacle Lookout. Marvel at epic views of both sides of the state line, showcasing millennia-old crater escapements and the volcanic Mount Warning (Wollumbin). The easy trail is perfect for a sunrise adventure, witnessing Australia's first rays kissing the ancient volcano.

Reach new heights on The Pinnacle Walk, where stunning panoramic views await. Sip on the Hinterland Hazy as you take in the vast beauty, the golden haze of the beer mirroring the warm glow of the sun setting over the hinterland.

Learn more and get directions from NSW National Parks & Wildlife Services

Byron Bay Hinterland Walks Things To Do Near Byron Bay

Stone & Wood Hinterland Hazy, Best Walks Near Byron Bay3. Border Ranges National Park: A Wilderness Gem

Nestled within the Gondwana Rainforests of Australia World Heritage Area, Border Ranges National Park stands as a sprawling testament to untouched rainforest beauty and the biodiversity linked to the ancient supercontinent of Gondwana.

This expansive wilderness offers a plethora of opportunities to immerse yourself in the wonders of the rainforest. Travel along the Tweed Range Scenic Drive, a part of the Rainforest Way, providing the flexibility to stop and explore at your leisure. Take a leisurely stroll along the short Palm Forest walking track, meandering through subtropical rainforest, or opt for a more challenging adventure with the Booyong walk, commencing from the Sheepstation Creek campground.

Discover picturesque spots for a relaxing picnic or barbecue lunch, and don't miss the chance to pause at the park's lookouts, offering breathtaking views of the magnificent crater escarpment. Photographers, in particular, will relish capturing the ethereal beauty of billowing waterfalls, panoramas of Wollumbin-Mount Warning, and the lush greenery of the rainforest.

Accessible from Kyogle and Lismore, the park also beckons those seeking an immersive overnight experience. Choose to camp under a blanket of stars, awakened by the symphony of birdsong, for an even more intimate connection with this natural haven.

Learn more and get directions from NSW National Parks & Wildlife Services

4. Killen Falls Walking Track:

Embark on the 1.2 km return Killen Falls Walking Track to discover a hinterland cascade plunging into a refreshing swimming hole. A gentle trail leads to an elevated viewing platform for a mesmerizing view of the fast-flowing water. To make the most of your adventure, traverse the rugged track towards the bottom for a rejuvenating swim. 

Chase the allure of Killen Falls on this scenic walking track. Refresh your senses with Stone & Wood's Hinterland Hazy, a beer that mirrors the cool cascades with its low bitterness and full-bodied finish.

Local Tip: Arrive early to avoid the crowds.

Stone & Wood Hinterland Hazy5. Goonengerry Waterfalls:

Dive into the hidden gem of Goonengerry Waterfalls, where the surroundings echo with the secrets of nature. Let the vibrant and juicy aromas of Hinterland Hazy be your companion, enhancing the adventure with each sip.

For a captivating 10 km loop adventure with intermediate skill level, explore the Goonengerry Waterfall loop in Goonengerry National Park. Starting from the Garrong Road car park, the trail boasts two infinity falls and takes approximately 2.5 hours to complete. Opt for an anti-clockwise direction on the North Boundary Trail to conquer uphill sections first and savor epic waterfall views in the second half of the hike.

Learn more and get directions from NSW National Parks & Wildlife Services

Minyon Falls Walking Track6. Minyon Falls:

Embark on the Minyon Falls Loop, a 6.8 km return journey through the enchanting Nightcap National Park. This rugged track winds through thick rainforest-shrouded escarpments, offering pristine vistas of old-growth brush box trees and fern-lined creeks. For a more relaxed experience, a viewpoint near the car park provides breathtaking scenes of the thundering cascade. And if you're up for more exploration, don't miss the nearby Protestors Falls.

Conquer the majestic Minyon Falls, a true spectacle of the hinterland. Celebrate your achievement with Stone & Wood's Hinterland Hazy – a golden elixir that mirrors the beauty and grandeur of the falls.

 Learn more and get directions from NSW National Parks & Wildlife Services

Stone & Wood Hinterland Hazy, Best Walks Near Byron Bay

As you traverse these enchanting trails, let Stone & Wood's Hinterland Hazy Pale Ale elevate your hiking experience. Embrace the golden haze, relish the tropical fruit notes, and immerse yourself in the perfect harmony of nature and craft. Because in the Northern Rivers, every step is a journey, and every sip is a celebration.
For more Byron Bay Hinterland Trails, check out Alltrails.

Stone & Wood Hinterland Hazy, Best Walks Near Byron Bay

The best post hike drink? Try Hinterland Hazy Pale Ale

After an exhilarating hike through the Byron Bay hinterland, there's nothing quite like indulging in the refreshing taste of Hinterland Hazy Pale Ale. And, the best place to enjoy one after a long day trekking in the Northern Rivers region? The Stone & Wood Byron Bay Brewery. Come on by, say g'day, enjoy a tasting paddle of our finest brews, sit back and relax. You deserve it. 

Want to know more about our Hinterland Hazy Pale Ale? 

Crafted with a meticulous blend of Pale, Regen Pale, Munich, and Wheat malts, this brew boasts a full-bodied yet well-balanced finish, offering a soft and satisfying mouthfeel. Infused with three distinctive Aussie hops—Vic Secret, Eclipse, and Galaxy—each sip bursts with vibrant tropical fruit aromas and flavors, perfectly complementing the post-hike relaxation. With its low bitterness and golden haze, Hinterland Hazy Pale Ale is the ultimate reward for a day of exploration, best enjoyed freshly chilled from the fridge. Cheers to the perfect end to an adventure-filled day in the hinterland!

Learn more about Hinterland Hazy Pale Ale here

Reading times: 6 mins

The Best Hinterland Hikes in Byron Bay

Explore the Hinterland: A Guide to Our Favourite Northern Rivers Hikes We’re stoked to welcome Hinterland Hazy to the core range. From today you will start to find Hinterland Hazy...

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Petrihop | Hazy IPA 7.5% ABV

When it rains, you smell petrichor.
When you open a can, you smell Petrihop.

You might have heard of petrichor – the nostalgic scent you experience when it starts raining. But we bet you haven’t heard of Petrihop – mainly because we just made it up. As soon as you open Petrihop, the aroma transports you to all the places you’ve experienced fresh hops before. Be that straight from the hopbine or enjoying a few beers with mates.



Our latest Counter Culture release Petrihop combines some of our favourite hops –Citra, Idaho 7, Riwaka, Eclipse, Simcoe and Mosaic all combine to deliver tropical and stone fruit flavours, while the light and hazy malt body allows the hops to shine. Couple that with a soft, pillowy mouthfeel and a 7.5% ABV, and you’ve got the perfect beer to share with some hop-loving mates.

Join Stone & Wood Head Brewer Caolan for a full run down of the inspiration behind the beer, tasting notes and food pairing suggestions for this new, limited release Hazy IPA...




This limited release is available from Stone & Wood online and select craft beer bottle shops throughout NSW, QLD and VIC.

Reading times: 6 mins

Petrihop | Hazy IPA 7.5% ABV

Our latest limited edition, Counter Culture release has landed. Join Head Brewer Caolan and experience the magic of this new Hazy IPA, Petrihop...

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Meet The Brewer: Ira Wurtz

Every few months, one of our brewers, this time it's Ira Wurtz, takes charge in Byron. They get to brew up whatever tickles their fancy and run the whole Pilot Batch thing. Cool, right?

Over the last three months Stone & Wood Byron Bay has been graced by Ira's presence as part of our rotating brewers program. He's delighted our tastebuds with several unique beers, including a hop-centric West Coast inspired IPA brewed with rosemary plucked from his very own backyard. Wittily coined the 'IRA', a West Coast IPA with rosemary. 

Give us a bit of background about yourself…(how long you been brewing, what got you into it, where you from etc)

Believe it or not, I actually wasn't much of a beer drinker until I moved over from Canada. Splitting cases of beer was the thing to do when you're a 19 year old backpacker in Byron Bay. It ended up being all I'd drink and I eventually started brewing with those cheap homebrew kits from Big W. My friends had to pretend my beers weren't terrible, now that I know what I'm doing they don't have to fake it anymore!

Stone & Wood Meet The Brewer: Ira Wurtz

What are your favourite styles of beer and why?

I love the diversity of aromas and flavours that different hops bring to the table so I'm always keen to try a new pale or IPA. On a hot summers day I can't say no to a refreshing gose.

Stone & Wood Meet The Brewer Ira Wurtz

What will you be brewing during your time here in Byron?Any beers you’re really excited about brewing and why?

In the short time I've been down here I've already had the opportunity to brew a variety of different styles. As for my own recipes, I'm looking forward to putting my spin on a west-coast IPA... Perhaps a gose for the summer months. Stay tuned!

Stone & Wood Meet The Brewer Ira Wurtz

What do you like about using the Pilot Batch brewery to experiment?

In a world of technology and automation, I love the analogue component of the pilot kit. Having the control of pushing buttons and spinning valves is part of the art of brewing!


Stone & Wood Meet The Brewer: Ira Wurtz

Reading times: 7 mins

Meet The Brewer: Ira Wurtz

Every few months, one of our brewers, this time it's Ira Wurtz, takes charge in Byron. They get to brew up whatever tickles their fancy and run the whole Pilot...

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Mango Pale Ale Long Summer Lunch Recipe Guide

Summer – a season where the days stretch lazily into warm evenings, and every moment becomes a cherished memory. What better way to embrace the essence of these sun-soaked days than by gathering friends and family for an unforgettable feast that extends from afternoon delights to starlit nights?

Stone & Wood Summer Luncheon Recipe Guide

We're thrilled to bring you a culinary celebration of summer with our latest creation: the Mango Pale Ale. As the sun-kissed days unfold, we've curated a collection of delectable recipes from our Mango Pale Ale campaign, courtesy of the talented Sarah DeNardi. Each dish is designed to let you bask in the vibrant vibes of mango season, right in the comfort of your own home.

Join us on a gastronomic journey, where the refreshing notes of Mango Pale Ale infuse every recipe with a touch of summer magic. From appetisers that tease the taste buds to main courses that are a symphony of flavours, our recipe guide is your passport to a summer filled with good company and even better food.

Get ready to elevate your summer gatherings with these culinary delights, expertly crafted for you to enjoy the season's vibes, one delicious dish at a time. Cheers to mango-infused moments and the joy of savouring the flavours of summer!

Whole BBQ Snapper Recipe with Stone & wood Mango Pale Ale


Serves 8


  • 3-4kg Snapper, scaled and cleaned
  • 3 tablespoons olive oil
  • 60ml Mango Pale Ale
  • 4 garlic cloves, minced
  • Handful coriander
  • 1-2 lemons and or limes, thinly sliced
  • Generous grind black pepper
  • Sea salt

NOTE: The cooking time is super variable, the size and thickness of the fish and heat of the BBQ will determine the exact time required. Plus, keep in mind the fish needs to rest for 5-10 minutes before serving and will continue to cook while resting.


Light up the BBQ. Rinse the snapper, pat dry inside and out. If you have a very large fish make 3-4 shallow incisions, on each side of the fish.

Whisk together 2 tablespoons olive oil, the beer, and the garlic.

Rub the remaining olive oil over the outside of the fish and season generously inside and out with salt and pepper, spoon the beer mix into the cavity and use your hands to massage in, making sure it’s well coated. Reserve the remaining beer mix to baste. Stuff the cavity with coriander, lemons, and limes.

When you’re ready to cook, transfer to the BBQ. Cook over a moderately high heat for 7-10 minutes. Carefully turn the fish and cook until golden and just done, about 7-10 minutes longer. Be careful while handling on the grill, to prevent the skin sticking. The fish is done when the flesh near the gills flakes easily. Rest, loosely covered with baking paper for 5-10 minutes. To serve, run a knife between the flesh and the bones and lift off sections of the fillet. Turn the fish over and repeat. Accompany with extra lemon and lime wedges, and mango salsa.

Roasted Whole Snapper

If you haven’t got a BBQ you can roast in the oven- use the same prep. Heat the oven to 220˚C. Put the fish on a rack in a roasting pan; cook until just done, about 20 minutes. No need to turn the fish while cooking.


Beer-Steamed Morton Bay Bugs


  • 6-8 uncooked Morton Bay bugs, halved and cleaned
  • 750 ml Mango Pale Ale
  • 2 tbsp oyster sauce
  • 1/2 tsp sesame oil
  • 2 cloves of garlic, chopped
  • 2cm ginger, julienned
  • 3 green onions, cut into 5cm lengths
  • 2 stalks of lemongrass, white parts only, bruised

NOTE: When steaming, check the liquid level and top as necessary to maintain the steam. The cook time will vary depending on the size of the bugs. You want them just cooked. Again, they will continue to cook once off the heat.


In a large bowl, combine 60 ml of beer, oyster sauce, sesame oil, chopped garlic, and 1 tbsp of julienned ginger, add the bugs, toss to coat. Cover the bowl and refrigerate for at least 15 minutes to let the flavours mingle.

Prep the steamer: In the base of a large flat bottom wok, place the remaining lager, ginger, green onions, and bruised lemongrass into the wok. Put the marinated bugs into a shallow heatproof dish, put a round wire rack into the wok and set the dish onto the rack (make very sure that the whole arrangement is stable), cover with a lid and steam for about 6 minutes, until cooked through. You can finish them on the BBQ grill for a minute (flesh side down) to give them a lick of smoke and a little char. Serve with aioli and fresh lime.


This is a side you can make your own, play with spices, herbs etc, let your tastebuds guide you.


  • 2-3 ripe mangoes, diced
  • 1 red capsicum, diced
  • 1 red onion, finely diced
  • 1/2 cup soft green herbs chopped- think parsley, mint, coriander (on their own or as a combo)
  • 1-2 chillies, finely diced (adjust to taste)
  • 60ml lime juice
  • Sea salt and freshly ground black pepper
  • A drizzle of fruity extra virgin olive oil


Chuck everything into a bowl, mix and pop into the fridge until needed.

Chilli Butter Prawn Recipe with Stone & wood Mango Pale Ale


Serves 8


  • Quintessentially Aussie summer, eating prawns in their shells is a delicious and joyously messy affair. If you prefer a less hands-on experience, peel them before cooking, adjusting the cooking time accordingly.
  • The garlic and chilli butter is versatile and pairs with any seafood cooked on the BBQ.
  • The prawns are also delicious with aioli.


  • 1.5-2kg large green king prawns, in their shells
  • 3 tbsp olive oil
  • 150g butter
  • 6 garlic cloves, finely chopped
  • 2 long red chili, finely chopped
  • Handful parsley, finely chopped
  • 2 lemons, zest and juice
  • Salt and pepper to taste
  • Caramelised lemon halves to serve


Toss the prawns in the olive oil, season with salt and pepper- set aside.

For the garlic chilli butter. In a small saucepan over low heat, melt the butter. Add the garlic and chopped chili, swirl around for a minute or so. Remove from heat, then stir in chopped parsley, and the zest and juice of 1 lemon. Season with salt and pepper.

Get your BBQ to a sizzling high heat. Lay the prawns in a single layer on the hot grill, cook for 2-3 minutes, turn, and cook for an additional minute or so, until they have just turned pink.

Arrange the cooked prawns on a serving plate. Serve alongside the garlic chilli butter, with caramelised lemon halves.

Chilli Butter Prawn and Aioli Recipe


NOTE: If whisking the emulsion to life fills you with dread, you can use electric beaters or a small food processor.


  • 2 egg yolks
  • 2 garlic cloves, minced
  • 1 tablespoon mustard
  • 1 tablespoon Mango Pale Ale
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1/4 teaspoon black pepper
  • 1 cup grapeseed oil (or any neutral flavoured oil)


In a bowl, whisk together the egg yolks, garlic, mustard, beer, salt, and black pepper.

Now the whole deal when making any sort of mayo from scratch is to remember you are creating an emulsion. Slowly, slowly, drizzle in the oil while continuously whisking. The gradual addition is what emulsifies the aioli and gives it a creamy texture.

Taste and adjust the seasoning to your liking. Cover the bowl and refrigerate for at least 30 minutes before serving to let the flavours develop.

Summer Pomegranate Jewel Salad Recipe

Summer Pomegranate Salad

Feel free to customise this salad by adjusting the quantities of each ingredient based on your preferences.


  • 1 Cucumber, deseeded and diced
  • 1 Red Onion, diced
  • 1 Green Apple, diced
  • 1 Blood Orange, segmented and chopped
  • 100g Feta Cheese
  • 1/2 cup cooked grains (Freekeh, Pearled Barley or even fregola work well)
  • 1 Garlic Clove
  • Juice of 1 Lemon
  • Extra Virgin Olive Oil
  • Handful Fresh Mint leaves, chopped
  • Handful Fresh Parsley, chopped
  • Salt to taste
  • 1 Pomegranate, seeds removed


In a bowl, combine the cucumber, red onion, green apple, blood orange, crumbled feta, and the cooked grains.

Into a small bowl, crush the garlic and mix it with the juice of one lemon, whisk in olive oil. Pour the dressing over the salad ingredients. Add the herbs and gently toss everything together until well coated. Season with salt to taste. Transfer to a serving dish, top with the pomegranate seeds. Serve.

Rad Summer Pav

Here is a recipe for a DIY pav base but there is no shame in buying a premade one, especially given that summer heat and meringue are less than best mates (sad but true – humidity is the mortal enemy of our favourite whipped sugar confection). So, if you are tackling a DIY base, do it early in the morning and if you can, crank up the AC….and don’t worry if it cracks – it’s part of its charm.


  • 6-7 egg whites depending on the size of your eggs. You can use the yolks in aioli or to enrich an omelette or if you are feeling industrious try curing them to use in poke bowls.
  • Raw caster sugar or muscovado adds a delicious slightly caramel flavour to the pav.
  • If it is a particularly humid day, you could try making 2 smaller pavs to avert potential collapse during cooking.
  • If making ahead, store in an airtight container in a cool spot (but not the fridge).
  • Decorate just before serving. 


  • 210 ml egg white
  • 1 1/2 cups caster sugar
  • 1 1/2 teaspoons cornflour
  • 1 teaspoon white vinegar


  • 400ml thickened cream
  • 1 teaspoon vanilla bean paste (or essence)
  • 1/4 cup icing sugar
  • Fruit – sliced mango and 2-3 finger limes
  • Edible flowers (excellently extra but optional)


Pre-heat the oven to 150˚C and line a baking sheet with baking paper. Whisk together the egg whites and sugar in a large mixing bowl (from a stand mixer). Set over a pan of simmering water (making sure that the bowl doesn’t touch the water below). Stir continuously until the sugar granules have dissolved (test by rubbing a little mix between your fingers)- the mixture will be warm. Transfer the bowl to a stand mixer fitted with the whisk attachment, whisk on medium high until thick and cloud like (stiff and glossy). Whisk in the cornflour and vinegar. Spoon onto the prepared tray and form into a puffy disc (20-25cm across).

Transfer to the oven and immediately reduce the temp to 120˚C. Bake for 1 1/2 hours. Turn the oven off and let cook/cool for another hour or you can leave the door ajar and let the oven cool completely. Basically, you’re after a crispy exterior and a marshmallowy middle. Once completely cooled you can decorate.

To decorate, whip the cream, sugar, and vanilla to soft peaks. Spread over the pav, arrange the mango slices over the top and scatter over the finger lime pearls. Finish with edible flowers if you’re being extra.

Where To Buy Stone & Wood Mango Pale Ale?

Grab our Mango Pale Ale online, or in-person from First Choice Liquor Market nationwide, Liquorland in QLD, NSW and VIC and select Vintage Cellars from mid-Feb.

Reading times: 14 mins

Mango Pale Ale Long Summer Lunch Recipe Guide

Summer – a season where the days stretch lazily into warm evenings, and every moment becomes a cherished memory. What better way to embrace the essence of these sun-soaked days...

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How To Gather: The Art of Hosting Great Gatherings

We sat down with the stylist, chef, and long lunch aficionado behind our Mango Pale Ale photoshoot, Sarah DeNardi

Sarah has worked with many of the cuisine brands you know and love, frequents our beautiful Northern Rivers area, and to put it simply, she's a flat out epic chef.

In this interview we speak with Sarah about her insights and tips on hosting great gatherings based on the principles of Priya Parker's book, 'The Art of Gathering'. 

In, 'The Art of Gathering,' Priya Parker delves into the transformative power of purposeful gatherings, offering ideas on being a good host to elevate both individuals and communities. According to Parker, the crux of any successful gathering lies in articulating its purpose, the 'Why' behind the meeting. She emphasizes that the purpose is not merely an inspirational concept but a practical tool, a filter, guiding decisions, both significant and minute. In Parker's words, "The purpose of your gathering is more than an inspiring concept. It is a tool, a filter that helps you determine all the details, grand and trivial." She likens the purpose to a "bouncer," a discerning guide ensuring decisions align with the event's essence. With a clear purpose, gatherings transform from mundane to meaningful, providing a sense of direction and aiding in achieving the ultimate goal, whether it's fostering quality time with friends or pursuing a specific objective.

Alright, let's get into how to be a good host!

How To Host A Great Gathering – Stone & Wood Mango Pale Ale

Sarah, how do you define the purpose of a long summer lunch, and how does that guide your decisions in terms of styling, menu, and overall ambiance?

For me a long summer lunch immediately evokes two things – a sense of occasion and leisure – while those two things don’t always go hand in hand, in this context they’re a perfect fit.

I agree with Priya on defining the ‘why’- the purpose becomes my blueprint – a narrative, it helps guide my decisions and in a world of endless inspiration, helps me focus on the goal.

Often my starting point is the simplest desire to explore a specific recipe or ingredient and that is enough to define the purpose.

I look at each gathering in layers (menu, guests, styling, ambience, and environment) to be considered separately but experienced together, and I always plan with a mindset to not put on a show but create a shared experience.

I recommend a three-word approach to keep you grounded. Mine are Simplicity. Connection. Deliciousness. I use them like a mantra, they underscore my ‘why’ and keep me on task.

In your experience, what elements contribute to creating meaningful connections among guests during a gathering, particularly in an outdoor setting?

In an outdoor setting, comfort is paramount. Consider elements like sun, wind, temperature, and unwelcome guests (hopefully only insects), making sure everyone is physically comfortable lays the foundation for meaningful interactions.

Next on the comfort scale is who sits with who. The benefits of employing a strategic seating plan, unless among a close-knit group, cannot be overstated. My goal is always to create an environment where guests feel at ease to connect. Creating a diverse yet harmonious mix of guests can be as simple as grouping those guests with a shared interest, a love of reading, film, sport, travel, food- whatever.

Prawns and Stone & Wood Mango Pale Ale, Summer Long Lunch Essentials

How do you approach invitations to ensure inclusivity and diverse perspectives, fostering a richer experience for everyone at the table?

I think the key to inclusive invitations is focusing not on sameness, but again touching on shared qualities or interests. Inviting guests with a shared passion provides the safe harbour of common ground but within that there exists opinion and personal experience, which creates diversity and that can take the conversation in interesting directions. I also love including a range of ages which almost automatically adds dynamism and instantly diversifies perspectives.

It's not unlike casting a movie — distinct characters make for contrast, which creates a rich and entertaining storyline.

What strategies do you employ to encourage engaging conversations and meaningful interactions among guests throughout the long lunch?

I’m keen on the organic nature of things and have no desire to overly orchestrate occasions. Encouraging engaging conversations involves creating an environment that facilitates interaction. Thoughtful seating arrangements, a mix of familiar faces and newcomers, and even strategic icebreakers, like simple games (there are some hilarious at the table card games, or conversation cards, that contribute to a lively environment – great to deploy later in the afternoon – maybe before dessert) that can serve as catalysts for dynamic discussions and upbeat banter.

How To Host The Perfect Summer Long Lunch

How do you tailor the gathering experience to reflect the unique personalities and preferences of the guests, ensuring they feel seen and appreciated?

I pay attention to the little details. What are their interests? What makes them tick? It could be anything from a favourite colour to their most loved destination.
Incorporating those elements that resonate with their personalities—maybe it's a certain type of music playing, or a themed decoration that reflects their style. Small, thoughtful touches go a long way to making each guest feel acknowledged and valued.

Personalising the gathering experience is like producing a great playlist—it's all about curating a vibe that resonates with each guest, incorporating something familiar and something new.

The menu is another canvas. If I know someone is a foodie, I make sure to include a variety of flavours and maybe even throw in a surprise dish related to their favourite cuisine. And, of course, I keep an eye out for dietary preferences or restrictions to ensure everyone has something delightful on their plate.

During the afternoon, I keep an eye on dynamics. If someone loves to be in the centre of the action, I make sure they're part of the lively conversations. On the flip side, if someone enjoys quieter moments, I create spaces for them to retreat and relax.

In essence, it's about weaving together an experience that feels tailor-made for each person. When guests leave feeling not just attended to but genuinely understood, that's when I know I've hit the sweet spot of personalised perfection.

Are there specific rituals or traditions you incorporate into your long summer lunches to create a sense of continuity and connection among guests?

I don't have specific rituals as each gathering is unique, but one thing I will often do is delegate some last-minute prep. It’s a great ice breaker and lets guests contribute and feel part of the experience. I keep it simple and align tasks with individual strengths.

Tips For Hosting A Great Long Lunch with Stone & Wood Mango Pale Ale

What is your approach to balancing a structured agenda with moments of spontaneity to keep the gathering dynamic and engaging?

Balancing a structured agenda with spontaneity involves treating it like acts in a play. Each act has a different objective, but the overarching story—the essence of the gathering—remains constant. Having a plan but allowing it to unfold organically and set its own momentum is key.

Ultimately, it's a dance between planning and intuition, ensuring that each guest leaves not just satisfied but with a sense that their unique presence added something special to the day.

Group of three women admiring their pavlova

Looking back at your experiences, can you share a specific instance where you felt a gathering was particularly successful, and what insights or lessons did you gain from that experience?

No one occasion stands out – I take mental notes and have a quick post gathering debrief with myself, harvesting the bits of each event that resonate- and store them away until required.

Ultimately, successful events, like so many things in life rely on some sort of magical alchemy – a cosmic balancing act between spontaneity and planning.

It’s good to understand you can contribute to the magic but not necessarily predetermine the outcome.

I guess the repeat take-aways are;

  • Don’t be ridged
  • Be clever about your guest list
  • But don’t be too clever about the food
  • Embrace the interplay between structure and spontaneity

And remember...

Simplicity. Connection. Deliciousness.

Reading times: 8 mins

How To Gather: The Art of Hosting Great Gatherings

In this interview we speak with Sarah DeNardi about her insights and tips on hosting great gatherings based on the principles of Priya Parker's book, 'The Art of Gathering'. 

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Good Beer Talk: Mango Pale Ale

Introducing our new, limited edition Mango Pale Ale: the newest member of the Stone & Wood family.

Mangoes are our national summer fruit. To celebrate their deliciousness, we’ve crafted a fresh brew. Our aim was to highlight the mango’s goodness without overshadowing the beer itself. We chatted with Jess, our Hospitality Leader and Dean, member of the Beer Crew to get the lowdown on our new Mango Pale Ale- the flavour, how it’s made and what inspired it.


Our hospitality leader (and resident cicerone) Jess says: “we think we’ve really nailed the balance. It has all the attributes of something summery and something fruity.” Brewed for warmer months, its light with a low bitterness, sitting at an easy drinking 4.6%. And of course- no preservatives and no additives. A subtle mango flavour lifts every sip.

Brewing Process

Brewed with Galaxy® hops, our Mango Pale Ale is balanced with mango to take you right back to nostalgic memories of summer. We have included two generous additions of real mango throughout the brewing process. This leads to a subtle mango flavour in every sip and a big mango aroma.

The Inspiration

Dean talked us through the inspiration for this brew, our original and much-loved Pacific Ale. “Pacific Ale is known for its clean, crisp, refreshing notes and low bitterness, but this time we’ve added mango throughout the brew”.

Where can I get my hands on it?

This beautifully balanced pale ale is perfect to share with mates this summer. It is available at First Choice Liquor Market nationwide, Liquorland stores in NSW, QLD and VIC, and select Vintage Cellars from February, or at our Byron Bay and Brisbane Breweries, and Stone & Wood online.


Reading times: 2 mins

Good Beer Talk: Mango Pale Ale

We chatted with Jess, our Hospitality Leader and Dean, member of the Beer Crew to get the lowdown on our new Mango Pale Ale- the flavour, how it’s made and...

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Growing a Greener Tomorrow: Supporting our Young Farmers

Welcome to Stone & Wood’s Regenerating Our Backyard Series, a look into the ways in which the coldie in your hand can help create a better future for the environment that supports us.  

As a business, we’ve aimed to tread lightly on the earth since Day One. We’ve taken measures to reduce our reliance on traditional energy sources and produce less waste, but how can we do better? By thinking outside the box and working with like-minded friends from the farming and brewing communities, we’re making new pathways into a greener future.

In Episode two of 'Regenerating Our Backyard' we spent some time at The Farm Byron Bay. In partnership with national non-profit Farmer's Footprint Australia, they’re helping young people get access to land and learn the noble art of growing food.

Along with Byron Shire Council, Ingrained Foundation (the not for profit we established in 2018) has helped us to support the program, using beer as a force for good, balancing our love of brewing with our love of fresh, organic and local produce.

The hard truth is that these days, there are plenty of barriers that prevent young people from getting into farming. Acquiring land is just the beginning. The Northern Rivers Incubator program aims to educate and empower our next generation of farmers, with an access and education model that could be rolled out by local councils nation-wide.  

We chatted to this year’s participants: Grace and Rob on the patch and learned just how much this program has allowed them to realise the potential of farming as a viable career path, and why we need more of these opportunities for our young people. Enjoy the full episode now 🍺#beerasaforceforgood


Watch episode one of Regenerating Our Backyard here.

Reading times: 7 mins

Growing a Greener Tomorrow: Supporting our Youn...

We’re stoked to introduce you to the Regenerating Our Backyard film series. Since day one, we’ve tried to balance brewing beer and taking care of the earth that supports us....

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Love At First Sip, Vote 1 Pacific Ale GABS Hottest 100

What is the GABS Hottest 100?

It's that time of year again. The Arias of Craft Beer is here, the GABS Hottest 100. Every year GABS puts out a People's Choice Poll where beer lovers can vote on their favourite craft beer from that year. It's 2023 and we're hoping you can help us make the champions list, once again! Whether it's a tried and true like Pacific Ale, or something newer like Hinterland's up to you to vote for your favourite Stone & Wood beer in the GABS Hottest 100.


Love At First Sip

You want to know what love is? It’s voting #1 for Stone & Wood Pacific Ale in the GABS Hottest 100.

Love at first sip…We all remember our first Pacific Ale moment, those passionfruit, citrus and tropical fruit flavours and aromas…Once it hit your lips, “Ahhhhhh.” 🤤

That “fruity mumbo jumbo” changed the way we thought about beer in Australia over 15 years ago. Fast forward to today…we’re prouder than ever to be the first sip that kicks off so many journeys into the craft beer realm, all over the country.

So if you’ve caught the Pacific Ale love bug, share it by voting 1 Pacific Ale in the Gabs Hottest 100 @gabsfestival hit the link below to vote now.




Don't Stop at Pacific Ale...

And while you’re there, don’t forget to vote for our other core-range beers (Hinterland Hazy, Green Coast Lager, Cloudy Pale Ale) and any of the Counter Culture beer releases you really dug this year.


Reading times: 2 mins

Love At First Sip, Vote 1 Pacific Ale GABS Hott...

What is the GABS Hottest 100? It's that time of year again. The Arias of Craft Beer is here, the GABS Hottest 100. Every year GABS puts out a People's...

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From Coldie to Compost: A Love Story


Welcome to Stone & Wood’s Regenerating Our Backyard Series, a look into the ways in which the coldie in your hand can help create a better future for the environment that supports us.  

As a business, we’ve aimed to tread lightly on the earth since Day One. We’ve taken measures to reduce our reliance on traditional energy sources and produce less waste, but how can we do better? By thinking outside the box and working with like-minded friends from the farming and brewing communities, we’re making new pathways into a greener future.

In this, our first episode from the series, we look at how our brewers and a network of local farmers work together to close the loop on waste and produce some of the richest soil in the Northern Rivers.

 Our brewers working with local farmers

As part of the brewing process, each tank of delicious Pacific Ale produced also creates a yeast waste byproduct. In 2015, rather than committing this product to traditional waste systems, Stone & Wood teamed up with local legends, Coastal Feeds, to take the nutrient-dense waste from all our beers to create a rich compost for organic farmers.  

Hamish Brace from Coastal Feeds said their core goal is to continually improve the quality of soil health for farmers and the yeast waste from Stone & Wood beer is a key ingredient towards achieving that.

“Because you’re brewing quality beer (no preservatives etc) you’re using good materials and that’s always in my favour to produce a good compost.”

Yeast waste byproduct from Stone&Wood Pacific Ale Beer

From the hands of Hamish and team at Coastal Feeds, this beer-boosted compost goes on to feed the rich fields of local organic farmers, like Rod Bruin of Summit Organics.

The rich compost delivery helps tackle what is a big concern for Rod and many sustainable farmers - the limited nutrient life of soil. Working with a finite resource, farmers like Rod believe that tying up nutrient loops, like replenishing the soil with our brewer’s waste, is a way we can give back to soil’s health and keep the nutrient cycle going.

“The Stone & Wood compost brew we get off Coastal Feeds it’s the highest nutrient compost of any of the composts available locally,’ said Rod.

The whole point of compost in sustainable farming is we’re not feeding the plants, we’re feeding the soil. And in the soil is the microorganisms and the fungi, they’ll feed the plants. They’ve got this whole gig going where they help each other out. Bit like what we’re trying to do.”

Farmer harvesting carrots

Both Rod and Hamish believe that small, local actions and solid human relationships are the best way forward to ensure a greener tomorrow.

Hamish from Coastal Feeds said, “We can minimise our impact on the world with a lot of small actions. It’s guided sometimes by bigger actions, but on the ground, it’s the activity of the people in the community and how they can work together to create solutions.”

Similarly, our farmer (and part-time philosopher) Rod said, “I think it’s essential in order for us to move forward on this planet, we have to become more local and build up human relationships, long-lasting human relationships. I think that’s where the future’s at.”

Farmer harvesting lettuce

To get a deeper understanding on how we’re trying to close the loop on waste and have a positive impact on the environment that surrounds us, watch the first episode in the Regenerating Our Backyard Series above.

More good news to come…

Episode two has been released 🎬 Watch Now:


Reading times: 8 mins

From Coldie to Compost: A Love Story

We’re thrilled to introduce you to the Regenerating Our Backyard film series. Since day one, we’ve tried to balance brewing beer and taking care of the earth that supports us. In...

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What is Stone & Wood beer made of?

Our beer is made of the right stuff. Your favourite Stone & Wood beer is brewed with locally sourced ingredients and fuelled by our passion for good. We’ve done traditional brewing a little differently. And we’re inspired by the charm of our Byron Bay home.

From the core range to our limited releases, each of our beers and beverages has its own story. Discover here what your favourite Stone & Wood beer is made from.

So, what’s in beer?

Since its earliest days, our beer has always been that humble combination of malted barley, sugars, hops and yeast - fermented to perfection.

We’ve been creative with this recipe; experimenting with Australian malt blends, hop varieties and sugar sources. Our craft brewery has refreshed beer classics like Pale Ale and Lager with the help of Australia’s finest farmers and their beautiful produce.

Stone & Wood’s ingredients

We’ve broken down some of the differences between our core range of beers below:

Pacific Ale

Our Pacific Ale overflows with memories of summer picnics or beachside brews with every taste. We've taken inspiration from the golden haze of our home on the Pacific Ocean, using Australian-grown rolled wheat and malted wheat for the pale malt base. This combination helps to create that famous pale ale gold tone and delicious finish.

We then use our famous Galaxy hops sourced from Victoria and Tassie farmers to balance that malty bitterness with tropical aromas. Finished with a short and sweet fermentation period, we unleash more complex flavours from the yeast to boost the overall palette of our Pacific Ale.

Once brewed and bottled, our Pacific Ale offers a deliciously fruity, refreshing and full beer.

Green Coast Lager 

Our Green Coast Lager is a celebration of our home and beer’s homeland. The clean and crisp flavour has taken inspiration from the rolling hinterland of Byron Bay, underscored with malts sourced from Germany.

Our silver medal-winning Green Coast Lager has that classic Munich Helles taste of honey and bready malt. This could only be enhanced by our noble hop with a balanced bitterness and delicate sweetness, more than living up to it's namesake. 

Once fermented, the extended cold conditioning helps mellow and harmonise the flavours to give our Green Coast Lager a subtle spice. An easy drink year-round, Green Coast Lager’s unique malts and hops create refreshing beer with a low, clean bitterness.

Cloudy Pale Ale

Our take on a modern Aussie pale ale, we’re proud of our recently relaunched Cloudy Pale. Originally released way back in 2013, we tinkered with the recipe over the course of months to bring a fresh take to one of our classics.

From the get go, you’ll notice the tropical flavour profile, that is followed by smooth bitter notes and a crisp finish. The late addition of several dry Aussie hops gives distinct aromatics, and the malt profile brings it’s cloudy and smooth quality.

With low bitterness and hints of sweet stone fruit, Cloudy Pale Ale is perfectly paired with warm weather and a pub feed after a busy day.

What our beer is made of

Beer is simple, made with only a few ingredients. This means it needs to be brewed right.

Each of our beers go through a long journey from the malt mill to the final fermentation (you can learn more about our process here).

From the ingredients to the production and packaging, we make our beer from only the good stuff at every step. With solar panels, water waste systems and composting programs, we do what we can to have a positive impact on our community.

Our beer making process is focused on the ecology of brewing as we incorporate new measures and managements to support the earth that supports us.

When it comes to Stone & Wood, we work alongside our community to brew a beer that isn’t just delicious but a positive force for good as well.

Reading times: 2 mins

What is Stone & Wood beer made of?

Our beer is made of the right stuff. Your favourite Stone & Wood beer is brewed with locally sourced ingredients and fuelled by our passion for good. We’ve done traditional...

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Road To Munich | Festbier 6% ABV

Our latest Limited Release: Counter Culture #23 – Road To Munich, Festbier is here!

Join our Head Brewer Caolan and Production Manager Pat geared up in their lederhosen as we unpack the inspiration behind the beer, the characteristics, brewing method and food pairings for this delicious new lager.



This extremely limited release pays homage to Germany’s largest and most celebrated beer festival – Oktoberfest – specifically the pale, Munich lager they pour exclusively for it – the Festbier. It's also a nod to our team's annual pilgrimage throughout the most renown Belgian and German Breweries in celebration of five years of devoted service to Stone & Wood, that concludes in the beer capital of the world: Munich.  

Counter Culture #23 is available exclusively online, and in our Byron Bay and Brisbane Tasting Rooms. 

For full details on of Hops, Malt and Food Pairings for Road To Munich explore more here


Reading times: 5 mins

Road To Munich | Festbier 6% ABV

Watch now to take a deep dive into the inspiration, characteristics, brewing techniques and food pairings for Counter Culture #23, Road To Munich, Festbier...

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